Monday, March 30, 2009

Shoes: No thigh high boots? Socks for you dude.

The French have a way with language as well as fashion. They have a precise, stand-alone word for thigh high boots (cuissardes), and when they translate the phrase "mommy and me," it comes out like this:

Carine Roitfeld and Julia Restoin-Roitfeld (Photos: Altamira, Garance Doré)

But alas not all of us speak the language. I invest in one pair of black boots a season and wear them out. When I think of putting my money into a pair of thigh high boots, this comes to mind.

I like the look though, in some ways and with some outfits (this is exactly the same way I feel about leggings). And with that
, I give you:

Photo credit (left to right from top): Altamira, Elle news blog (Sarah Bates, Katie Carter, Lilia De Gregory), The Sartorialist.

Let's talk about socks (baybeee). It's not fully Spring yet here on the East Coast, and where you are maybe it is never Spring, so there's some time before F09 to experiment. I'm thinking: in contrasting black/dark grey, over tights, above existing black boots.

Here are some to get you started (for about 1/10th the price of the boots).

For further reading on les cuissardes, visit this post on Garance. And for advanced sock-age, visit this image on The Sart. To read about someone who is SO not cutting corners on the thigh-high boot front, you must go here!


July Stars said...

Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of Sheila Metzner. I looked at her entire portfolio: incredible imagery!

NOELLE said...

Ah! I love all these photos!!